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Quick view panel                           
Control + Q

 A quick view panel displays the contents of the file under
 the cursor in the other panel, which must be a Brief of Full
          +------- C:\ ------++--- 1-2-3 View ---+
          |file.wk1          ||A1: [W13]         |
          |                  ||     A      B     | .----+
          |                  || 1                |      |
          |                  || 2                |  quick view
          |                  || 3                |    panel
          |                  || 4                |

 The Control + Q key can be used to quickly turn a quick view
 panel on.  Also, you can use the cursor keys and PgUp, PgDn,
 Home, and End to move around in the file.  In the database
 viewers, the gray + and - keys on the numeric key pad will
 move backward and forwards in the database by one record.

This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility. Written by Dave Pearson